Career Guidance Services

Career Guidance is the core of what we do, but we do it differently.

How does it work?

We believe that before you can decide what career is best for you, you need to know more about yourself, what makes you tick, what your preferences are and what you need to work at your best.

How do we do it?

Rather than leaving this to chance we use internationally recognized psychometric instruments to help individuals get a better understanding of themselves and what careers people with similar traits are doing. All guidance involves the completion of a psychometric evaluation.

When should you do it?

These services can be used at any stage in life but are particularly relevant to those in Year 12 at school, trying to decide what university course to do or those in the second half of their university degree course.

What do we offer?

• Individual career guidance - People need a framework to help them think through their options. This one to one session gives people that framework and a better understanding of themselves.

• Group career guidance seminars - group sessions designed to be informal but demanding and will require participants to do some work (not much beforehand!) Lasting approx 3½ hours (with some breaks). It is fast-paced and entertaining.

There are two separate parts to the session;

  1. Career guidance based on a psychometric assessment, similar to Individual career guidance. This is aimed at helping people understand more about themselves and what careers people similar traits go on to do.
  2. Guidance and training on CVs, Interviews and Job applications. This is aimed at helping people increase their chances of finding and securing the job you want.